Narrative Therapy
Narrative therapy is a collaborative therapy. Counsellors bring a genuine curiosity to counselling conversations that explore difficulties in the light of the hopes and purposes, understandings and preferences clients hold for their lives.

Our Objectives
(a) To promote well-being of people in our communities through expanding and enhancing counsellors’ narrative therapy education, training, and research;
(b) To maintain a close relationship with narrative therapy counsellor training providers;
(c) To gather funds to provide financial support for counsellor candidates, to enable them to acquire specialised support in connection with their narrative therapy studies;
(d) To promote mutual relationships with counselling organisations that embed the sprits of narrative practice in their activities;
(e) To design and deliver or facilitate the delivery of relevant workshops that will advance the academic excellence of the counsellor students.
News and Events
ATUA MATUA Framework
On Tuesday 4th July 2023, a group of 17 practitioners and counsellors were treated to a wānaga by Dr Ihirangi Heke, “Redefining wellbeing: taiao ki te tangata.” In his kōrero Matua Ihi shared his Atua Matua framework of health and wellbeing. He explained it as a model which draws on Māori indigenous knowledges of wellbeing,…
Our Board members

Vicki Tahau-Sweet

Elmarie Kotzē

David William Watson

Trevor Blackburn

Mike Holloway

Anna Greenhill

Sandy Xinyi Lie

Kou Kunishige